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    About Us


    Our Mission


    For our customers, 我们的目标是通过始终如一的工作质量来增加快乐, the friendly professionalism of our staff, the fairness of our prices, 尽我们最大的努力通过他们的眼睛来看待我们的工作.

    We aim to increase joy for our staff by providing a safe, enjoyable work environment, opportunity for advancement, 有意义的工作,工资反映了他们的出色表现.

    In our communities, 我们的目标是成为良好和道德的商业行为的典范, an advocate for responsible free-market economics, and good stewards of creation.

    seattle window washing

    Our Story

    Shoreline-based Evergreen Window Cleaning & Home Maintenance is a family-owned business committed to excellence. We serve our customers by cleaning windows, gutters, roofs, home exteriors, and hardscape. Kreg Koelling founded Evergreen in 1996. 2010年,克雷格将公司转手给了谢尔曼家族.

    长荣继续以克雷格最初灌输给公司的“为客户着想”的方式发展. Initially,  朱莉安从办公室开始工作,而一个值得信赖的家庭朋友和基思等人一起在实地工作. Over time, 家庭人口不断增长的需求和朱莉安娜对在家教育的热情让她放下了办公室工作,把注意力集中在孩子身上. 朱莉安的母亲朱迪(Judi)在那个时候来到公司,接管了办公室的工作.

    At the end of 2012, 长荣又变了,部分原因是谢尔曼家族受到了严重的个人考验. The second of their four daughters, Evelyn, 肾功能衰竭,不得不接受肾脏移植手术. 而伊芙琳在基思捐肾后恢复得很快, 很明显,如果长荣要继续成长和繁荣,就需要进行系统性的变革. 

    As the Shermans stepped back to focus on their family, 他们聘请了一位经验丰富的运营经理和办公室经理,开始全职管理公司, hiring people who shared the company mission (above). 坚持追求卓越,培养从客户的角度看待我们工作的习惯, 长荣公司已经成为西雅图家庭服务行业中最好的公司之一. You may see what our customers have to say on Google+, Yelp, Angie’s List, Home Advisor, BBB, and Thumbtack.

    Our Customers Love Us

    Why Choose Evergreen Window Cleaning

    At Evergreen Window Cleaning, we strive to enhance customer joy through quality work, friendly professionalism, fair prices, and empathy. 我们为所有员工提供安全、充实的工作环境、发展机会和公平的工资待遇.Contact us 今天来看看我们如何帮助你更好地维护你的家在未来几年!


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